Bhutan’s graduation from the UN list of Least Developed Countries
Bhutan’s graduation from the UN list of Least Developed Countries
Bhutan recently graduated from the United Nations (UN) Least Developed Countries (LDC) list during a summit in Doha, Qatar. Bhutan, originally added in 1971, made notable progress in socio-economic metrics over recent decades, fulfilling graduation requirements for the first time in 2015. Significant aspects of Bhutan's progress include an eight times larger economy in the last 20 years and a significant reduction in poverty. Bhutan's efforts have involved growing its hydropower exports to India and launching 'Brand Bhutan' to diversify exports.
- Understand the context and significance of Bhutan's graduation from the UN's LDC list.
- Take note of Bhutan's socio-economic strides made in reducing poverty and growing its economy.
- Understand the benefits of graduating from the LDC list such as increasing access to international financial markets and boosting international image.
- Recognize the role of sustainable development and good governance in growth and poverty reduction.
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