China Is Building World’s Largest Ghost Particle Detector 'Trident’

China is building the world's largest neutrino-detecting telescope named 'Trident', located in the western Pacific Ocean. The telescope aims to detect neutrinos, particles that are abundant in the universe and were once believed to be massless, but are now known to have a minimal mass. Currently, the world's largest neutrino-detecting telescope is the IceCube in the Antarctic. The Trident telescope, with significantly greater size (7.5 cubic kilometers), is expected to detect more neutrinos. The construction process of the Trident is ongoing and is estimated to be completed within this decade. Situated at a depth of 11,500 feet below the Western Pacific Ocean's surface, Trident will feature over 24,000 optical sensors distributed across 1,211 strings. The detectors arrangement adheres to a Penrose tiling pattern.


  1. China is building the world's largest neutrino-detecting telescope, 'Trident', in the western Pacific Ocean.
  2. Neutrinos, also known as "ghost particles", are among the most abundant and tiniest particles in the universe.
  3. The currently largest neutrino-detecting telescope is the 'IceCube' in the Antarctic.
  4. Trident is expected to be 10,000 times more sensitive than any existing underwater telescopes due to its size.
  5. The detections of neutrinos might help unravel mysteries of the origins of cosmic rays.