The program is to make the students develop an awareness and understanding of the contemporary trends and growth in Applied Psychology. This will be substantiated by enabling students to learn relevant academic and professional skills through training and self-reflections in the discipline of psychology. This program has been framed to maintain the teaching standards, assessment of students and keep the interface of psychology individual/community for the human welfare at the forefront. The program has been developed keeping in mind the current realities of the discipline, including the socio-cultural context. The reach to different psychology fields has been made by incorporating different papers, viz. Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Systems in Psychology, Understanding Psychological Disorders, Counselling Psychology, Industrial/Organizational Behaviour, Health Psychology and others.
1. Gargi College(W)
2. Vivekananda College(W)
3. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee College(W)
4. Dr. Bhim Rao Ambedkar College
5. Ramanujan College
6. Sri Aurobindo College(Evening)
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Cursus tellus quis magna porta adipiscin
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